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Indian Citation Index

Indian Citation Index (ICI) is developed by "The Knowledge Foundation" (a registered society) with the required support of M/s DIVA ENTERPRISES Pvt. Ltd. M/s DIVA ENTERPRISES Pvt. Ltd. is one of the pioneers in India to develop, preserve, disseminate and serve customized knowledge products and services to scholarly world. Currently, M/s DIVA ENTERPRISES Pvt. Ltd. is publishing ~170 journals from India with one of the specific motives to promote knowledge contents published in local national journals and bridge the gap between the content sources and content users via World Wide Web. Full text online access of their journals is available to users. While working for online publishing and content delivery to users, M/s DIVA ENTERPRISES Pvt. Ltd. in association with Mr. Prakash Chand Ex Scientist NISCAIR, CSIR felt that India is making substantial contribution in various domains of world knowledge but a tool to measure and evaluate such national knowledge is not yet in place. Though, at international level few tools/databases are available but coverage of Indian contents particularly publish in the local national journals are negligible. To bridge this gap, Mr. Prakash Chand, (The Knowledge Foundation) with the support of M/s DIVA ENTERPRISES Pvt. Ltd. thought to bring out Indian Citation Index (ICI) database covering ~1000 top Indian scholarly journals encompassing all disciplines of knowledge. The ICI database enables access and empowers users to search, track, measure and collaborate in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities to turns raw data/information into the powerful knowledge one needs. ICI like other indexes enables user to move back in time to previously published papers, but uniquely one can also look forward in time to determine who has subsequently cited an earlier piece of research. This feature makes this database a specialized information product and highly useful for researchers, policy makers, decision takers, editors, librarians etc.


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