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Indian Citation Index
Indian Citation Index (ICI) empowers scholarly community to map the knowledge published in local national journals/periodicals etc. Whether you are just starting your scholarly work, academic research as an experienced researcher or teacher, or a librarian or administrator, ICI delivers objective content and the tools to support your role in the research workflow.


You can use ICI to learn more about how to discover and analyze data, track and measure trends and performance, and collaborate, author, and publish research. Using ICI, one can take crucial decisions on accurate, objective information and sound metrics; track research performance; establish benchmarks; make funding decisions; look for transfer opportunities; formulate strategies etc. Additionally, following are the major benefits of having ICI in place for scholarly community:

  • A comprehensive research & evaluation tool for Indian literature
  • Facilitates comprehensive scientometric and bibliometric studies on Indian literature
  • Helps to measure & analyze individual, institutional, regional, and national R&D output for strategic planning
  • An authentic tool to generate complete and comprehensive analytic reports on the health of Indian R&D
  • ICI can generate national R&D indicators like, Indian Journals Citation Reports, etc.
  • Catalyze the image & visibility of Indian knowledge contents and publications
  • Helps decision makers to arrive at some conclusive point to decide the superiority of competitor (s), for some awards, fellowships, recruitments etc.
  • Provides a boost to Indian publishing industry at global level
  • Authors irrespective of their affiliation and location may tend to publish their R&D findings in local national Journals of India


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