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About Indian Citation Index (ICI)
Selection parameters for journals
Document Types covered in ICI
Document Types NOT covered in ICI
Why Publisher should indexed their journal in ICI?
Salient features of ICI

Publisher Information

About Indian Citation Index (ICI)

India is a huge part of the global society, has long and distinguished history as country, possess capability and vital resource to influence, mark presence on the emerging universe of knowledge. India is contributing good amount of knowledge but there is no tool for evaluation and measurement of its knowledge. At international level few tools/databases are available but coverage of Indian knowledge contents particularly published in local national journals are negligible. Therefore, these tools/databases are not adequate to evaluate/ analyze India's knowledge contents. To resolve similar limitation, few of the countries, like China, Korea, Japan etc. have already brought out their own citation indexes. Mr. Prakash Chand, Ex Scientist NISCAIR, CSIR and M/s DIVA ENTERPRISES Pvt. Ltd. with a view to address this long felt need have developed and brought out multidisciplinary Indian Citation Index (ICI) by scanning ~1000 journals of Indian origin. The ICI database is intended to provide objective content and powerful tools that let you search, track, measure and collaborate in the fields of sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities to turn raw data/information into the powerful knowledge you need.

Scope Top

Indian R&D literature across all disciplines i.e. science, technology, medicine, agriculture, social science and humanities get published in 1000 plus journals/ serials or in other documents emanating from India

Objectives Top
  • To ensure access to articles published in local Indian R&D literature at national & global level
  • To reflect and represent true picture of locally published Indian scholarly contribution at national and global level
  • To have an authentic tool/ground for effective, & rigorous evaluation of Indian scholarly works
Selection parameters for journals Top

Initially for two years considering general time lag factor in Indian publications, ICI has decided to provide an opportunity to such publishers to bring their publications as per defined schedule. ICI is indexing following types of material appearing in local national journals.

  • Research articles
  • Review articles
  • Short or brief communications
  • Editorial and letter to editor
  • Research notes
  • Case studies
  • Case reports
  • Opinion papers
  • Observations
Document Types covered in ICI Top

ICI provide an opportunity for publishers initially for two years to bring their publications on time and accordingly publisher may request ICI to get their publication indexed. ICI includes following types of scholarly material/documents:

SNo Document types Definition
1 Research article Article of original research carried out by author(s)
2 Review article Significant review of original research literature
3 Short communication Brief research communication/ news/views/ article
4 Editorial Editorial item summarizing several articles or providing editorial opinions or news. Letter to or correspondence with the editor
5 Research note Original research communication in discussion or commentary form
6 Case study Analytical findings of an individual case and communicated in journal publication
7 Research method Reporting of new research methods
8 Opinion papers Article provide opinion of individual or group
9 Observations (R&D) Expression of observations on R&D method/experiment/test and findings etc
10 Special articles Invited article, memorial lecture/working paper/special paper/expert views/comments
11 Patent Patent document contain technological information. The term patent usually refers to a right granted to anyone who invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, article of manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof
12 Standard A standard is a document that establishes uniform engineering or technical specifications, criteria, methods, processes, or practices
13 Report (R&D) Report a non-serial publication giving a detailed account of information or statements, often including opinions and findings, of an individual or group on a particular topic
14 Proceedings paper The paper published in a Conference/Symposium/Seminar/Workshops etc or summarization of all papers from conference proceedings
Document Types NOT covered in ICI Top
  • Advertisement
  • Abstracts of dissertations or articles
  • Bibliographies
  • Digests
  • Obituaries
  • Book reviews
  • News and views
  • Announcements etc
  • From the desk
Why Publisher should indexed their journal in ICI? Top

The publishers, who are publishing research journal(s), essentially need to disseminate their contents to potential users/buyers. Basically, the under lying intent of contents dissemination is to enhance the visibility and reach of their journal. Journal's sustainability is linked with its popularity/demand which is further directly proportional to circulation or reach of a journal to its potential users/buyers. Generally, contents information of R&D journals flows through Indexing and Abstracting periodicals. Indian Citation Index (ICI) is one of the Indexing and Abstracting periodicals which serve contents and citations to world wide users. In the era of computer & communication technology (ICT), dissemination of information has attained new dimensions particularly with respect to delivering speed and depth of reach. Getting your journal indexed in Indian Citation Index (ICI) will be highly advantageous to a journal's publisher (s). The ICI database is useful for performing following R&D activities by the users and the journals covered/indexed in this database shall be the subject/object of their study:

Salient features of ICI Top
  • ICI is a comprehensive research &evaluation tool of Indian literature
  • ICI facilitates scientometric and bibliometric studies on Indian literature
  • One can measure & analyze individual, institutional, regional, and national R&D output for strategic planning
  • It is a tool to generate complete and comprehensive analytic reports on the health of Indian R&D
  • It would be useful to generate national R&D indicators, Indian Journals Citation Reports, etc.
  • It enhances the image & visibility of Indian publications and publishers
  • It helps decision makers to arrive at some conclusive point to decide the superiority of competitor (s), for     some awards, fellowships, recruitments etc.
  • It provides a boost to Indian publishing

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