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Indian Citation Index

1. What is ICI?
ICI is the abbreviation of "Indian Citation Index "(ICI). It is a multidisciplinary abstract and citation database of journals publish from India.

2.  Who can use it?
ICI is useful for researchers, administrators, policy makers, editors, librarians and analysts for their respective nature of work.

3. Can I as a user get free access to indiancitationindex.com?
Yes, Once you get registered with the site you will be given a 2 hours trial access from the time of registration to see and adjudge its usability.

4. How to access Indian Citation Index (ICI)?
The access to ICI without registration is now restricted, you need to register yourself before you are given an access to ICI. The registration is free.

5. How do I register in ICI?
The registration in ICI is a simple process. Please click on the Register New User, this will open the Registration page. You need to fill in the mandatory fields Email address, City and Country. The rest of the fields are optional.

6. What happens after I submit the registration form/page?
Once the registration is complete (as explained in the above step) and the form is submitted, you will receive an email (the email address provided in the above), with your login id and password details.

7. How do I login to access ICI?
Once you have received the email from ICI with login id and password information, please enter the email address as login id and password as mentioned in your email, then click Login button.

8. I get error message "Invalid Email address/Login/Password! Please try again." how to resolve this?
This error message shows if the email id or password which you have entered is incorrect or they do not match with the information you had provided during your registration. Please check from your email which you had received from Indian Citation Index use the correct login id and password for login. ". How to resolve this?
This error message shows if the email id or password which you have entered is incorrect or they do not match with the information you had provided during your registration. Please check from your email which you had received from Indian Citation Index use the correct login id and password for login.

10. How long is the free access given for ICI?
Currently ICI is providing free access to users on a trail basis and it is given for a month from the date of registration, this can be extended. Please note the discretion of extension or free access for ICI database lies with Indian Citation Index can be change without any prior notice.

11. Can I as a publisher get free access to indiancitationindex.com?
Yes, you can request a free 2 hours trial access from the time of registration to see how your content shows up in ICI. Just go to http://trial@indiancitationindex.com

12. What are the criteria for adding new journals to ICI?
ICI works with its basic intent to cover all scholarly journals from India irrespective of their discipline (s) subject to content selection criteria

13. What are the content selection criteria?
Initially for two years considering general time lag factor in Indian publications, ICI has decided to provide an opportunity to such publishers to bring their publications as per defined schedule. ICI is indexing following types of material appearing in local national journals:

  • Research articles

  • Review articles

  • Short or brief communications

  • Editorial and letter to editor

  • Research notes

  • Case studies

  • Case reports

  • Opinion papers

  • Observations


13.1 Following types of material is NOT including in ICI

  • Advertisement

  • Digests

  • Obituaries

  • Book reviews

  • News and views

  • Announcements etc

  • From the desk

Publisher/Editor may suggest/request for inclusion their publication in ICI by filling in the attached online form and sending a hard copy or soft copy of their publication(s) to ICI.

Publisher/Editor may suggest/request for inclusion their publication in ICI by filling in the attached online form and sending a hard copy or soft copy of their publication(s) to ICI.


14. How can I see, whether my journal is already in ICI?
Once you have access to indiancitationindex.com, you can perform a search by giving the name of your publication from Search home page, result will show all the articles published in your publication. subscribers the base. Also, when availability and visibility get enhanced, the number of citations receiving to a journal will get automatically enhanced and in turn Research Influence Indicator (RII) of a journal will increase to a higher level.


15. What are the benefits for a journal to be indexed by ICI?

ICI is accessible world wide therefore inclusion of a journal in it enhances exposure, visibility, readability and reach of a journal at global level and that may enhance subscribers the base. Also, when availability and visibility get enhanced, the number of citations receiving to a journal will get automatically enhanced and in turn Research Influence Indicator (RII) of a journal will increase to a higher level.


16. Who should be contacted in case some corrections require in certain components of our journal�s articles?

If ICI displays some elements of your journal(s) incorrectly (e.g. wrongly spelt author name, incorrect document types, and wrong subject areas etc.), please contact feedback@indiancitationindex.com

17.What are other general benefits of subscribing ICI?

Access to ICI definitely enhances visibility, readability, and reach of knowledge contents publishes in local national journals of India at global level. However, ICI otherwise is also useful for different set of users as indicated below:




  • Can analyze citations for a particular journal issue, volume or year.

  • Can use this information to compete for project grant, award, position, exhibit superiority and professional development etc.

  • Can find out quickly the main journals, disciplines and authors that publish in his/her area of interest and can keep tab on all developments reported therein.

  • Can uncover important and relevant articles that may otherwise miss.

  • Can find out the work and citations of other authors of area of interest and compare that relatively.

  • Can track Cited and Citing research trend and genesis of the concept(s).

  • Can watch overall trend and development happening around the globe in their area of interest.

  • Can find hot areas of research and researchers in a subject of interest and across the subjects.

  • Can explore potential of collaboration at national and international level for further advancement/development and find solution of the problem.

  • Can develop a peer's network for academic and intellectual discourses to evolve professional ethics, standards, and best practices/guidelines.



  • Can find and evaluate referees and authors for review papers and thematic issues.

  • Can identify and contact potential editorial board members.

  • Can monitor journal trends, for example by comparing the current aims and scope of a journal with citation patterns to see if a shift has occurred or likely to occur.

  • Can review the performance and coverage of new journals quickly at your desktop without waiting for them to be indexed in other databases. As a routine new journals are covered and citation links created to and from on a regular basis which can be browsed/analyzed for understanding the potential of journal.



  • Can offer an easy-to-use, reliable bibliographic and citation database to users.

  • Can link users quickly and accurately to the full-text articles library have invested in.

  • Can increase the visibility of and access to other library resources.

  • Can provide users to search peer-reviewed and highly used contents publish in local national journals.

  • Can offer access to heterogeneous contents not available through international databases.

  • Can analyze highly-cited articles and journals to inform and guide collection management decisions.

  • Can perform searches with no scope of missing and analyze the out put for different requirement of their users.



  • Can offers an easy -to-analyze, citation pattern, most cited journals, most cited authors, most cited institutions, most cited states, most cited cities, most cited subject category (ies), hot topics etc.

  • Can find, evaluate and arrive at conclusive point to decide relative relevance and superiority for initiating new R&D projects.

  • Can identify the relevant and potential manpower for recruitment.

  • Can review the performances of intra and inter working groups for career advancement.

  • Can offer performances linked incentives to workers/researchers.

  • Can use/perform objective evaluation of the workers for institutional management.

  • Can compile complete and comprehensive analytic reports on the health of Indian R&D.

  • Can compile national R&D indicators like, Indian Journals Citation Reports, etc.

  • Can use to enhance the image & visibility of Indian publications and publishers.

  • Can help in decision making to decide the superiority of competitor (s), for awards, fellowships, recruitments etc.


Funding agency

  • Can provide an analytical and objective evaluation of project proposals for grant of funds.

  • Can find out strength of the person/institution for granting funds to the proposed project (s).

  • Can monitor project out put and out come in terms of scholarly works.


Award bestowing institution/body

  • Can perform to decide relative superiority of the competitors for award (s).

  • Can generate analytical reports/results for award bestowing institution/body.

  • Can use it as a tool for ensuring objectivity and transparency to give away awards.



  • Can use as a tool to analyze and generate reports on locally published knowledge contents

  • Can portray country's R&D trend and strength

  • Can undertake various analytical studies on locally published literature particularly applied and social sciences, arts and humanities etc which lacks representation in international literature

  • Can used it as a tool to supplement the evaluation of institutions/individuals/country based on international citation databases

  • Can offer objective evaluation, realistic R&D potential and strength of an individual/country/region/institution etc

  • Can help to bridge the gap of literature for bibliometric/scientometric studies


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