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To provide a faster response to your queries related Indian Citation Index, we at Indian Citation Index have specified different email addresses for different categories of queries or support. So for instance if your login/password is not working please send your query at technicalsupport@indiancitationindex.com If you have any feedback or suggestions or want to see certain feature to be included in future we recommend you to use feedback@indiancitationindex.com In the following table we have specified different email addresses for certain queries.

Email Id*To be used for?
info@indiancitationindex.comAll general queries and help related to ICI
customersupport@indiancitationindex.comIf you are a paid subscriber, please use this for any query
technicalsupport@indiancitationindex.comIssues like login problem, page not visible, problem with browser setting, access to ICI has expired, speed issues
feedback@indiancitationindex.comYour feedbacks and suggestions, like a request to add new features etc.
FTP optionPublishers who wants to send their journals for indexing, please upload your attachment from Publisher page.

*Please note all your emails are important to us, and using specified email address would make sure that the concerned department/person receives the mail and sends a response without any delay.






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